Journal Instruction and Topic The topic that we are going to write in our journal is about: "Patient's Condition." Here's the instruction from our nursing assistant online class teacher. . … [Read more...]
Week 4 Journal Entry #2: Vital Signs Routine
Journal Topic and Instruction Our journal topic today is about Vital Signs and Irregular Rhythm. Here is the nursing assistant online class teacher's instruction. . . Think about, then write … [Read more...]
Week 4 Journal Entry #1: Bed Making and Providing Holistic Care
Journal Instruction and Topic The topic that we are going to write in our journal today is about "Bed Making and Providing Holistic Care." Holistic Care means caring for the whole person—the mind … [Read more...]
Week 3 Journal Entry #2: Surgical Patients
Journal Instruction and Topic The topic that we are going to write in our journal is about: "Surgical Patients". Here is the instruction that we received from our nursing assistant online class … [Read more...]
Week 3 Journal Entry #1: Communication Skills
Journal Topic and Instruction The topic for our journaling is "Communication Skills." Here's the instruction from our nursing assistant online class teacher. . . Think about, then write about, the … [Read more...]